Hostal La Andaluza

Calle Real, 226 San Fernando - 956800100 -

In accordance with Article 25 of Decree 13/2020, of May 18, the establishment has the following Internal Regulations that will be mandatory for customers of the establishment.

Article 25 of Decree 13/2020 provides:

1. The hotel establishments must have an internal regulation in wich mandatory rules will be established for users during their stay, without being able to contravene the provisions of Law 13/2011, of December 23, or this Chapter.

2. The internal regulations will always be available to users and will be displayed, at least, in Spanish and English, in a visible and easily accesssible place in the establishment. These regulations must be published on the establishment's own website, if there is one.

The operating companies of the hotel establishments may seek the assistance of the Security Forces and Bodies to evict from them those who fail to comply with the internal regulations, fail to comply with the usual rules of social coexistence or intend to access or remain in them for a purpose different from the normal use of the service, in accordance with the provisions of article 36.4 of Law 13/2011, of December 23


1. It is compulsory for all the guests to present their identity card at the moment of being admitted in the establishment.

2. Before the admission, guests have to sign a registration card. In this paper, it is stated the name of the establishment, its category, and its registration number. It is also stated the number or identification of the accommodation unit, number of people who are going to occupy it, services contracted (breakfast, half-board or full board), arrival and departure dates and the daily rate. The registration card will be kept by the establishment.

3. Obligations of the users of tourist services: The owners of the establishments could prevent access and stay of the users that breach or have breached with anteriority any of the follow duties (art. 36.3 & Tourism Law 13/2011).

- Observe the rules of coexistence and hygiene dictated for the proper use of tourists establishments.

- Respect the internal regulations of tourist establishments, as long as they are not contrary to the law.

- Respect the agreed date of departure from the establishment leaving free the occupied unit.

- Pay the contracted services at the time the invoice is presented or within the agreed period, without the fact of filing a claim implying the exemption of payment.

- Respect establishments, installations and equipment of the tourist companies.

- Respect the environmental environment of the historic-cultural heritage and the tourist resources of Andalusia.

4. The establishment will be able to ask for a previous guarantee of payment by any of these means: credit card, transference, etc. This guarantee will cover both all the services contracted by the reservation and the extra charges.The hotel may establish a deposit that will be returned, once the room has been checked, except in the following cases: accommodation or visits by unregistered or contracted persons; poor condition of the room due to breakages, excessive dirt or bad smell due to the consumption of tobacco or other substance; produce noise or annoyance to other customers, specially at night; leave later than the stipulated time (12:00 h.). This bond does not exclude other possible legal actions.

5. The stay begins at 12.00 on arrival day and finishes at 12.00 on departure day. In high season, the availability of the units of accommodation can be delayed for 3 hours at the most. Without previous agreement, no extension for the check out time will be admitted. If there is an agreement, the guest will pay for the whole day. In case of early departure, it is necessary to notify two days before the new departure date to be entitled to a refund of the days not used, except for non-refundable reservations or those involving a minimum number of days of stay.

6. Visits to the rooms are not permitted. If more people than those listed in the contract use the room, an additional charge will be paid for each person equivalent to the price of the extra bed, without this giving you the right to demand the extra bed. Extra beds must be requested in advance of the day of arrival and are subject to availability. Children aged 11 years and older are considered adults and must have their own bed. Minors of this age can share a bed with their parents or book an extra bed if they request it in advance at the corresponding price. A cot is available free of charge upon request for children under two years of age. Children under 18 years of age are not permitted to enter unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Two people will not be allowed to stay in a double room that has been booked as a single room. In this case, the rate set for double use will be paid.

7. The establishment has a safe-deposit box for the safekeeping of money and valuables, which should be deposited at the reception office where they will be given a receipt. Otherwise, the Management can not accept responsability.

8. Rooms will be cleaned from 11:00 to 14:00 hour. Please, use the towels of the room only for personal hygiene.

9. A night schedule is established from 23:00 to 9.00 hours, within which noises that may disturb other customers should be avoided.

10. It is forbidden to smoke in this establishment, with the exception of what is allowed in the Law 28/2005, about the sanitary measure against tobacco habit and the Law 42/2010, 30 December that modifies it.

11. Animals are not allowed in the establishment without a specific authorization, with the exception of guide dogs, in accordance with the Law 5/1998, of 23rd of November, relating to the use of guide dogs by people with visual dysfunction in Andalusia.

12. For those services offered both to clients and to the general public, the access and/or stay will be restricted in the following cases:

a) When the maximum capacity has been completed with the users who are in the establishment or building.

b) When the closing hour of the establishment has been surpassed.

c) When the user has not the minimum age to enter the establishment, according to the current legislation.

d) When it is necessary to pay for a ticket in order to enter into the establishment, and the user has not paid for it.

e) When the users show a violent attitude, specially, when they behave in an aggressive way or they cause arguments, originate situations of danger or annoyances to other users.

f) When the users do not have the minimum conditions of hygiene.

g) When the users carry weapons and objects susceptible to be used as weapons, unless they are members of the police, armed forces or security forces, or they are escorts for privates companies, and they enter the establishment in the course of their duties; in accordance with the current and specific legislation.

h) When the users consume drugs, narcotic or psychotropic substances, or they show symptoms of having consumed them, and those that show an evident behaviour of being drunk. Also it will be a cause of expulsion to cause flaws to the facilities, scandal or rowdiness, specially if other users are disturbed.

13. In all these cases, the establishment will be able to recurr to the Police for help.

14. Nevertheless, in the above mentioned cases, the clients will have to pay all the bills that have been generated until the moment of the prohibition of access or stay in the establishment.

15. Objects left in the rooms will remain in custody for a period of two months. Underwear, personal hygiene items, food or beberages will not be included among the objects to be guarded.

16. Both customers and employees are obliged to comply with the regulations established by the authorities on the prevention of COVID-19: wearing masks in common areas; maintain a safe distance between people; wash hands frecuently or use hidroalcoholic gel; do not share the elevator with clients from other rooms; leave the room during cleaning or maintenance work; and do not introduce visitors in the rooms. In the event of non-compliance with these rules, the Management may go to the Police ande proceed to expel the client without the right to a refund of the amount corresonding the stay.


17. For any kind of doubts or questions relating to the functioning of the hotel you may go directly to our reception staff, that will attend you and in case of necessity will put you in touch with the authorized person to answer your doubt or question, being the General manager the ultimately responsable of the Hotel


18. You can get information at the reception about excursions, services and experiences provided by companies outside the hotel opertor.

19. This establishment is not responsible for the services provided by companies outside the hotel operator.

20. All the facilities and services offered by the hotel comply with the security measures stipulated for this purpose guaranteeing and promoting your safety.


• Watch and control your luggage. Please, do not leave it unattended.

• Keep the door closed when you should be in your room.

• Close the door every time you leave, and try to open it in order to make sure that it is correctly closed, even though your absence should be for a short time only.

• Close your luggage when you do not use it and put it in your closet. If the luggage has a security lock, use it at all times.

• Never leave jewellery, money or valuables in your room. .

• Notify immediately Management of any abnormal occurrences such as: suspicious-looking persons along the corridor, repeated telephone calls from unknown people, unknown people knocking on your room door, or not finding anybody when you open it.

• Protect the key of your room. Do not leave it on the counter of reception, always give it back to the receptionist when you leave the establishment. Do never show your key in public places.

• If you forget or lose your key, only the reception personnel is authorized to facilitate you a new key to open your room.

• Our safety measures demand you to extinguish your cigarrette before resting or going to bed. The safety norms forbid the use of the hot plate or any other electrical machine susceptible to cause a fire in the rooms of the establishment.

• Please do not feel bothered if you are asked to identify yourself at reception. It is for your security.

• When you establish social relations with unknown people, do not reveal the name of the establishment or the number of your room.

• Never allow the maintenance personnel to enter your room without having required it or without having been authorized by the Management of the establishment.

• Never allow people to enter your room with deliveries that have not been asked for.

• Never discuss specific plans of future excursions, etc., in public or with strangers.

• In case of wishing your room to be done, please, hang the warning: "Please, clean the room ", on the door of your room. If you wish not to be disturbed , please, hang the warning: "Please, do not disturb".

• Do not hang clothes on the railing of the terrace. Do not use ropes or cords to hang clothes in the terrace.

• If you discover some type of deterioration, damage or anomaly, please, inform the reception personnel of it.

• The electrical system of your room is of 220 Volts.

• Respect the room area during the night and the siesta time, and in general, avoid making noise unnecessarily.

• Please, use the facilities suitably, respecting the furniture and the gardens of the establishment.

• Please, respect the schedules of all the facilities and services of the establishment.

• We thank you for your participation in case that during your stay in the establishment, there were some disaster or evacuation practices.

• Some schedules can be changed according to the season.

Guests’ personal data can be processed for the purpose of booking, providing and charging hotel services and, in the case of having their express consent, sending information about offers and services of the hotel. Being able to exercise the rights of accesss, rectification, deletion (forgetfulness), data portability, limitation and opposition to its treatment, just by requesting it by any means to the hotel establishment in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD) and the Law Organic (ES) 3/2018 (LOPDGDD).